Some LG TV users may not be aware of the hidden options on their devices. You can access these options by unlocking the service menu. The service menu on LG TV cannot be opened directly in the Settings. You need to press certain button combinations to unlock it.
The service menu has several advanced options for maintenance, calibration, or troubleshooting the TV. It is mostly accessed by the technicians. If you want to fully explore the LG TV or want to try out the advanced options, make use of this guide to open the service menu.
How to Unlock Secret Menu on LG Smart TV
Based on the LG remote you have, go through the steps below and perform the function to access the secret menu on the LG TV.
Original LG TV Remote
Turn on your LG Smart TV and press the Input button on the remote control. Next, click 3195 and hit the Done button to view the secret menu on the LG TV.

If that doesn’t work, press the Input button and tap Menu/Settings or OK button. Next, enter the passcode to view the service menu. The passcodes to access the secret menu are 0000, 7777, 3195, 0413, 8743, 8878, or 8741.
LG Magic Remote
- Tap the Green button on your LG Magic remote control.

- Next, press the Mute button three times on your remote to bring up the Quick Info menu.
- Now, move to the Program Tuning menu and click the 1 NUM PAD button five times continuously to get the Stats menu.
- Go to Channel Tuning and click the 1 NUM PAD button five times again to get the HDMI Diagnostic menu.
LG Installer Remote
Long-press the Menu or Settings button for 5 to 7 seconds on your remote control. Next, enter the following codes: 1105, 9876, or 2663 to bring up the service menu.

LG Service Remote
On the LG Service remote, press the IN START button. Immediately press the number 0413 on your remote. Now, the secret menu will be opened on your LG Smart TV.

What’s Inside the Service Menu on LG Smart TV
The LG TV service menu offers several options to customize and troubleshoot the TV. Some important functions that can be done through the service menu are discussed below.
- The service menu shows the information about the TV panel, manufacturing date, serial numbers, model numbers, etc.
- You will find options to adjust or customize some advanced options for the HDMI Inputs.
- The secret menu on LG TV has options for troubleshooting the network connection. These options are not available in the TV Settings.
- You will see options for adjusting the display panel settings.
- It has options to customize the picture settings like brightness, contrast, and fine-tuning color settings that are not available in the standard menu.
Yes. You can reset your TV to factory settings from the service menu.
Yes. You can use the physical buttons on your TV to access the service menu. In addition, you can use the LG ThinQ app on your Smartphone (Play Store or App Store) to access the service menu on your TV.